出版社:Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore
摘要:To evaluate the effectiveness of uterine balloon tamponade using a condom catheter in the management of primary postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony. Methods: This prospective study was done in the department of obstetrics and gynae unit II at Arif memorial teaching hospital, Rashid Latif Medical College from 1st March 2020 till 28th February 202Fifty patients either booked or unbooked, between age 20 to >35 years, either primipara, multipara or grand multipara, at 34-36+6 weeks or 37-39+6 week of gestation, suffering from primary postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony following vaginal delivery or Caesarean section, refractory to medical management were included. The main outcome measure was to check for the effectiveness of balloon tamponade to arrest bleeding within first 20 minutes of its insertion. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: The mean age of study participants was 28.3±2.79 years. The mean gestational age of patients was 37.79±1.49 weeks. 30(60%) patients out of 50 were multipara. 34(68%) patients were unbooked. 35(70%) Patients having Primary PPH delivered vaginally while 15(30%) patients delivered by caesarean section. 30(60%) patients delivered vaginally and 13(26%) patients having caesarean section responded to balloon tamponade within 20 minutes of its insertion making it effective in total 43(86%) patients. While in 5(10%) patients of SVD and 2(4%) patients of LSCS, Tamponade failed to control bleeding in first 20 minutes of its placement in uterine cavity and labelled as ineffective in total 7(14%) of the patients. Conclusion: Intrauterine balloon tamponade is an effective means of controlling primary PPH as it is easily available, easier to practice and inexpensive treatment modality to treat PPH due to atonic uterus.