摘要:The present study investigated non-native speaker (NNS) teachers’ data-driven criteria in scoring multiple-rejoinder written discourse completion test tasks (MR-WDCT) and their points of (mis)match with expert-driven criteria. Specifically, this study scrutinized factors considered by NNS experienced and novice teachers in evaluating responses to MR-WDCT containing examinees’ first language (L1) pragmatic cultural schemas. To this end, 10 experienced and 10 novice male and female NNS teachers participated in two rounds of semi-structured interviews wherein they elaborated on their scoring criteria and commented on the expert-driven criteria. Content analysis of the results revealed that: a) pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic factors were considered for scoring, though in different patterns, by both the experienced and novice NNS teachers; b) observing perceived native speaker (NS) norms for pragmatic cultural schemas was found to be of more significance for the experienced teachers than for the novice ones and in varying severity; c) following L1 pragmatic cultural schemas was considered to be acceptable only if it would not lead to misunderstanding; and d) both NNS experienced and novice teachers’ data-driven scoring criteria partially matched with the expert-driven criteria. The findings highlight the role of L1 pragmatic cultural schemas in English as a lingua franca (ELF) pragmatic assessment and the need to train NNS teachers in rating such tests.
关键词:Pragmatic Cultural Schemas;MR-WDCT;ELF Pragmatic Assessment;Non-native Teachers;Scoring Criteria