期刊名称:Sehepunkte : Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften
出版社:Herder-Institut, Institut für Zeitgeschichte
摘要:The editors of Historians on John Gower argue that the works of the poet John Gower (d. 1410), concerned as they are with the societal conflicts and political instabilities of late medieval England, lend themselves well to historicist readings. The aim of this volume is to "enable a group of historians to bring their specialist expertise to bear on Gower's poetry and to show what a detailed knowledge of England in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries can add to our understanding of his work" (xxi). But the historians who contributed to this volume do not simply offer historical contexts for Gower's work; the volume's further aim is to "offer new information, perspectives and analyses which will help to widen our appreciation of the significance of, and the pleasures provided by, Gower's text" (xxiii).