标题:Alexander Patschovsky: Ein kurialer Ketzerprozeß in Avignon (1354). Die Verurteilung der Franziskanerspiritualen Giovanni di Castiglione und Francesco d'Arquata
期刊名称:Sehepunkte : Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften
出版社:Herder-Institut, Institut für Zeitgeschichte
摘要:Scholars of late medieval heresy are acutely aware that there is a wealth of sources that are hardly known in the archives and libraries. Unfortunately, common is also the situation when, in the lack of proper critical editions, generations of scholars refer to partial and flawed prints and editions. Alexander Patschovsky aims to remedy such a case with his edition of the heresy process against two Spiritual Franciscans in the papal court at Avignon in 1354, so far available to scholars only as a partial edition in Ignaz von Döllinger's Sektengeschichte II (1890). Patschovsky himself had referred to the material already in 1974, and 44 years later the edition finally saw daylight.