摘要:The ultrafine nylon fibers were prepared by electro spinning of nylon-6 solution in formic acid in the concentrations ranging from 12–28 wt%. The morphology of the electro spun nylon-6 fibers were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the viscosities are measured with the help of redwood viscometer. The effects of electro spun process parameters such as the spinnable concentration of nylon 6 in formic acid, viscosity of polymer solutions, and influence of polymer solution concentration on fiber morphology were also studied. The results show that the spinnable concentration of nylon 6/formic acid solution is in the range of 16–28 wt%. For the lower concentration of nylon-6 solution of 16wt%, no continuous fibers but beads and some fibres segments could be obtained and higher solution concentration of 24wt% favours the formation of uniform fibers without beads.