摘要:Emotions play a crucial role in children’s life, from toddlerhood to adolescents, significant others play an important role in socializing different aspects of emotions in children. The school life of a preschooler is not a simple one, successfully navigating through the seemingly difficult social challenges , is dependent upon different types of skillsandmotivation.Westernresearchisnowreplicatewithinstances of studieswhichfocusonemotionalknowledge of preschoolers and its consequent emotional well-being as well as school adjustment later. However, in third world countries likePakistan, suchresearchesareveryfewandfar inbetween.Inthepresent studythetwomainpointsunder discussion are a) the importance and utility of a measure of emotional knowledge for preschoolers which is both developmentallyandculturally appropriateand(b)preliminarypsychometric evaluationoftheAffectKnowledgeTest in Pakistani culture. Furthermore, to establish the concurrent validity of AKT and for the said purpose the scoial competence of the preschoolers was also measured..