摘要:To use appropriate teaching strategies has been a great challenge for English language teachers where English is used as second language. This paper presents the relationship between teaching strategies and students’ achievement in English writing skills at elementary level. The sample of the study was taken from government schools of Lahore city. One section of 10th grade was taken from each school. In case of more than one sections, only one section was selected randomly. An English writing achievement test based on persuasive writing along with scoring rubrics was administered to students of SSC. Test was developed from curriculum of English language of secondary level. Through test writing skills were assessed on three domains of writing i.e. generation of ideas, organization of ideas and language conventions. To determine the use of teaching strategies, questionnaire was developed on 5point scale to know students’ perceptions about the use of teaching strategies.Findings showed that there was significant relationship betweenlecture, pair work, questioning, presentation, grammar, translation, oral, written feedback and students’ achievement..
关键词:secondary school certificate;teaching strategies;English writing skill