摘要:The main concern of this study is to analyze that how family determine the voting decisions of the voters of district Buner of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the 2013 general election. At the time of this field work in early 2018, the general elections of 2018 were not conducted. That is why questions were asked with reference to 2013 elections. The study empirically reveals the inclination of the people while considering family as a determinant of voting behavior.structured questionnaire was personally administered by the researcher to collect the data for the said purpose. A sample size of 385 respondents was selected through multi-stage-sample-method from the voters lists of district Buner. SPSS (Statistical package for social sciences) version 21has been used for the determination of P-value through ChiSquare test.This study shows that a significant number of respondents have preferred to vote on the basis of family in 2013 general election. It consequently contends that family socialization is the vital determinant of casting vote. Result also highlighted that age is a significant factor, because a considerable number of youth opposed to vote based on family associations. As the age of the voter decreases the impact of family on voting choices likewise decreases. Results of this study show that family and voting behaviour are interrelated. While analysing electoral politics and voting choices, it is pertinent to consider the role of the family of the electorates..
关键词:Family;Voting behavior;Elections;Determinants;Chi-Square test