摘要:The present study was conducted to estimate the effect of Parental Encouragement, Family Type and Gender on Emotional Stability and Social adjustment of school going Adolescents within the age range of 11 to 15 years included as elements of the study. Emotional Maturity Scale by Y.Singhand M. Bhargava (1999) and Parental Encouragement Scale by Dr. R.R Sharma (1988) were administered on various schools of Haridwar, Rishikesh and Dehradun. The sample size of the study constituted of 120 adolescents. t- test and ANOVA were run for the analysis of data through SPSS. Results indicate that Boys are more Emotionally Stable than Girls and higher Parental Encouragement leads to greater Emotional Stability when compared to the lower Parental Encouragement. Boys with higher Parental Encouragement as well as Girls with higher Parental Encouragement promote Emotional Stability in comparison to their counter situation of parental encouragement. For Social Adjustment it has been found that adolescents from Nuclear families, having Lower Parental Encouragement are less socially adjusted..