摘要:The study was conducted to know about the “covid-19 pandemic verses students’ promotion criteria at higher education level”. The main objectives of the study were to obtain the perception / views of the students regarding promotion criteria. To find out whether the student’s promotion into the next classes on the basis of their previous year’s performance was up to their (students) satisfaction or did they have any reservations regarding this method. Another fact to find out was that whether this promotion method, considering their previous performance would affect their academic career, whether it bought negative or positive effect on their future academic progress. The population for this study comprised of one school. The total number of respondents were 30 of the school. In order to collect the relevant data a questionnaire consisting of 24 suitable and relevant questions to find out the perception of students regarding promotion based on three-point scale. The three-point scale options were yes, no, undecided. The developed questionnaire was collected back personally by the Researcher for data analysis, the response of students was tabulated through using simple percentage..