摘要:Biological development difference related to gender causes significance differences including academic achievement, metacognitive, and critical thinking skills. Therefore, the learning process should be designed based on the students’ learning style to equalize the students’ achievement and other skills between the two genders. The purpose of this study is to find out the appropriate learning strategy that can enhance and equalize the male and female students’ achievement, metacognitive, and critical thinking skills. The study had been carried out in Quasi-Experiment of Pretest - Posttest Nonequivalent Control Group design. Population of the study was second grade of Banjarmasin senior high school students Indonesia majoring in science. The results of the study showed that the students’ learning achievement, metacognitive, and critical thinking skills are similar or almost similar between the two genders, when the PQ4R strategy combined with the concept mapping strategy was applied.
关键词:learning strategy; gender; achievement; metacognitive skills; and critical thinking skills