摘要:Quantified linear temporal logic (QLTL) is an ω-regular extension of LTL allowing quantification over propositional variables. We study the model checking problem of QLTL-formulas over Markov chains and Markov decision processes (MDPs) with respect to the number of quantifier alternations of formulas in prenex normal form. For formulas with k{-}1 quantifier alternations, we prove that all qualitative and quantitative model checking problems are k-EXPSPACE-complete over Markov chains and k{+}1-EXPTIME-complete over MDPs.As an application of these results, we generalize vacuity checking for LTL specifications from the non-probabilistic to the probabilistic setting. We show how to check whether an LTL-formula is affected by a subformula, and also study inherent vacuity for probabilistic systems.
关键词:Quantified linear temporal logic;Markov chain;Markov decision process;vacuity