摘要:The proposal of this work is to detect the existence of patterns of interactive sequential discursive behavior in three single woman Mexican adults from prospective analysis of the interview between them and the interviewer. The methodology used was observational. It was developed iteratively and thorough, a category system as an instrument of observation, and then it was underwent a recategorization process. The number of sessions observed were 3, of 3 hours duration each one. Intersessional sequential analysis was used through the SDIS-GSEQ software. Thus we first, in probability of occurrence, are the categories of Worry and Self determination, the next significant Uncomprehending, and Heterosatisfaction; followed in sequential occurrence order by: Myself, Hetero realization, Paradox, and Auto realization. Last in sequential inhibitory occurrence are: For others, and Incomprehending. Finally, the categories that are inhibitory occurrence probabilistically negative are: My self, self-understanding. Finding that these women are learning to live for themselves within a process of emancipation from their families and social structures.