摘要:A heterogeneous traffic flow consists of regular vehicles, and intelligent connected vehicles having interactive functions is updating the composition of the current urban-road network traffic flow. It has been a growing trend and will continue to be so. Because of the urgent demand, the research focused on three main parts of cooperative control methods under intelligent connected vehicles environment, typical traffic control application scenarios and experimental validation in intelligent connected vehicles conditions, and intersection-oriented hybrid traffic control mechanism for urban road. For heterogeneous interrupted traffic flow of intelligent connected vehicles, to analyze the characteristics and information extraction method of heterogeneous traffic flow of intelligent connected vehicles under different conditions, the research examined driving modes of regular vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, including car following and lane changing. This study summarized control modes of traffic-signal control, active control of intelligent connected vehicles, and indirect control of regular vehicles through intelligent vehicles to study the active control mechanism and multi-intersection coordinated control strategy for intelligent connected vehicle heterogeneous traffic flow. With the combination of coordinated control theory, this work overviewed integrated experiment of information interaction and coordinated control under intelligent-connected-vehicle heterogeneous traffic-flow environments.