摘要:Electric load forecasting is a prominent topic in energy research. Support vector regression (SVR) has extensively and successfully achieved good performance in electric load forecasting. Clifford support vector regression (CSVR) realizes multiple outputs by the Clifford geometric algebra which can be used in multistep forecasting of electric load. However, the effect of input is different from the forecasting value. Since the load forecasting value affects the energy reserve and distribution in the energy system, the accuracy is important in electric load forecasting. In this study, a fuzzy support vector machine is proposed based on geometric algebra named Clifford fuzzy support vector machine for regression (CFSVR). Through fuzzy membership, different input points have different contributions to deciding the optimal regression hyperplane. We evaluate the performance of the proposed CFSVR in fitting tasks on numerical simulation, UCI data set and signal data set, and forecasting tasks on electric load data set and NN3 data set. The result of the experiment indicates that Clifford fuzzy support vector machine for regression has better performance than CSVR and SVR of other algorithms which can improve the accuracy of electric load forecasting and achieve multistep forecasting.