期刊名称:Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología (GECONTEC)
出版社:Revista Internacional de Gestión del Conocimiento y la Tecnología (GECONTEC)
摘要:The beginning of Science and Technology-Based Innovation (STI) policies in Cuba should be traced to 1961, with the so-called Literacy Campaign that declared the Nation as the First Latin-American Country Free from Illiteracy. From this moment to our days, Cuba has developed a significant Research and Development (R&D) infrastructure and committed human resources on Science, Technology and Innovation. This paper explores the links among Cuban Science, Technology and Innovation System and National Education System for the achievement of scientific technical achievements, within the context of the actualization of Cuban Model for Economic and Social Development. Also, It takes into consideration the role of education and training within a learning economy and Mode 1 to Mode 2 knowledge production process transition. A comprehensive approach to national, sectorial and local innovation systems actors and interactions with education and training experiences is discussed, as well as general reflections regarding Innovation and Education within the National Economic and Social 2030 Plan, which may contribute to a better understanding of the role of education within the Cuban National System of Technology and Innovation.