摘要:Ship communication systems are defined in one part as GMDSS, while the other part consists of systems with secondary importance in safety communications. Each of these devices and systems makes an independent or separate system that works in a specific frequency range and is, at some level, connected to other communication systems. A step forward regarding frequency range and level of networking can be achieved with the application of a software-defined radio. This paper examines a variety of GMDSS communication equipment in terms of technical discrepancy and frequency range. Furthermore, the software-defined radio and SDR configuration development are described according to their theoretical feasibility in the maritime domain. The paper proposes the concept of SDR-based communication systems quite different from conventional maritime communication systems. This approach, conducted in phases, would in turn ease the upgrading, enable flexibility and inter-operation, prolong system life cycle and integrate different maritime communication systems and devices. The proposed concept aims to develop a centralized communication system to incorporate the ship’s communication devices into one common ship communication system.