标题:Rapid Response Indicators for Predicting Changes in Soil Properties Due to Solarization or Biosolarization on an Intensive Horticultural Crop in Semiarid Regions
摘要:Agriculture practices developed since the middle of the last century have led to the degradation of different resources and made it necessary to promote agricultural models that are less aggressive towards nature. Sustainable agricultural growth requires a more efficient use of land. An experimental model was designed with four treatments in the Campo de Cartagena area (SE Spain): biosolarization with manure (BSM), biosolarization with brassicas (BB), solarization (S), and a pilot test (PT). The general objective was to determine by means of rapid response indicators the changes occurring in soil properties as a consequence of the implementation of these solarization or biosolarization practices and their influence on the quality and yield of a lettuce crop. The results show that there was no significant response in the physical and biological properties of the soil. Physicochemical properties such as pHw, and electrical conductivity (ECe), as well as chemicals such as total nitrogen (TN) and the content of some macro and micronutrients, can be considered as rapid response indicators. The highest yields (Yc) and highest commercial quality (Mc) of lettuce were obtained in the BB and BSM treatments (Yc > 23,000 kg ha−1; Mc > 413 g). These treatments resulted in biological NO3− sequestration and, in the case of BB, salt immobilization (ECe: 6 dS m−1). According to these results, BSM and BB can be recommended for sustainable agriculture and even as valid methods for the recovery of soils affected by salts and NO3−. Our results should increase the feasibility of these techniques in semiarid areas.