摘要:Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) regarded as safe microorganisms; they can naturally live in gastrointestinal tract, so appropriately used as a probiotic for chicken. This study aimed to select six isolates of LAB (E1223, E3, E4, E5, E7, and E8) to obtain the isolates potentially as probiotic candidate for chicken. The six isolates were derived from spontaneous fermented corn obtained from Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology and Biomedical, PPSHB, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia. LAB isolates were tested their susceptibility to antibiotics (bambermycin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline) then were examined in vitro for their tolerance to gastrointestinal pH (2, 3, 4, and 7.2) and 0.5% bile salt condition, antimicrobial activity against Salmonella enteritidis and Enterococcus casseliflavus, and ability to adhere to chicken ileal cells. The results showed the isolates E5, E7, and E8 were sensitive to tetracycline and chloramphenicol, they could survive at pH 2, 3, 4, and 7.2, could survive at 0.5% bile salts, produced antimicrobial activity, and able to adhere to ileal cells (9.40±0.00 Log CFU/cm2 of E8) and were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of control (5.30±0.14 Log CFU/cm2). In conclusion, this study showed that isolate E8 had better potential compared to isolates E5 and E7 in most in vitro assays as a probiotic candidate for chicken. E5, E7, and E8 were closely related with Pediococcus pentosaceus based on 16S rRNA gene.
其他摘要:Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dianggap sebagai mikroorganisme aman, dapat hidup di dalam saluran pencernaan, sehingga tepat digunakan sebagai mikroorganisme probiotik untuk ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyeleksi secara in vitro enam isolat BAL (E1223, E3, E4, E5, E7, E8) untuk memperoleh BAL berpotensi sebagai kandidat probiotik ayam. Enam isolat berasal dari jagung fermentasi yang diperoleh dari Laboratorium Bioteknologi Hewan dan Biomedis, PPSHB, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia. Isolat BAL diuji sensitifitasnya terhadap antibiotik (bambermisin, eritromisin, kloramfenikol, dan tetrasiklin) lalu diuji secara in vitro ketahanannya terhadap pH saluran pencernaan (2; 3; 4; dan 7,2) dan 0,5% garam empedu, aktivitas antimikroba terhadap Salmonella enteritidis dan Enterococcus casseliflavus, dan kemampuan menempel pada ileum ayam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isolat E5, E7, dan E8 sensitif terhadap tetrasiklin dan kloramfenikol, toleran pada pH pencernaan dan garam empedu, menghasilkan aktivitas antimikrob, dan mampu menempel pada ileum ayam (sel isolat E8 yang menempel sebesar 9,40±0,00 Log CFU/cm2 ) signifikan (P<0,05) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontrol (5,30±0,14 Log CFU/cm2 ). Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa isolat E8 memiliki potensi lebih baik daripada isolat E5 dan E7 di sebagian besar uji in vitro sebagai kandidat probiotik ayam. Isolat E5, E7, dan E8 memiliki homologi 99% dengan Pediococcus pentosaceus berdasarkan gen 16S rRNA.