摘要:Background: Despite mass vaccination campaigns, the world has seen a steady rise in the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases, with 178,765,626 cases and 3,869,994 COVID-19 related deaths by June 19
th, 2021. Therefore, it is important to enforce social distancing to control its spread. With the variation observed in the severity of the pandemic in different countries, it is also imperative to study the social distancing behaviors amongst the population in developed and developing countries.
Design and methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 394 participants from 14 different countries were surveyed
via an online REDCap form.
Results: In this study, it was highlighted that despite adequate knowledge, the overall compliance to COVID-19 related preventive measures remains poor, the lowest being in the senior age group (≥ 65 years), and the highest being in adults aged between 25-64 years (p=0.003). Population from the developing countries were more compliant to all preventative measures against COVID-19 spread, except for handwashing, where the difference between the two populations remained insignificant (p=0.038, p<0.001, p=0.016) Socioeconomic status, prior history of COVID-19 infection or presence of comorbidities did not significantly affect compliance rates, however, participants with no prior history of this infection were found to be more compliant to donning a mask in public as compared to those with a positive history (p=0.044).
Conclusions: Since compliance remains subpar in both the developing and the developed countries, mass campaigns about COVID-19 related preventive measures remain essential in controlling the disease spread.
Significance for public health
Through this research design, we hope to identify the socioeconomic and demographic factors, and their impact on people’s behaviours and attitudes towards adopting social distancing protocols to protect themselves and those around them from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By understanding the population’s mindset and the factors that contribute to governing their behaviours, government policy makers can then employ short- and long-term strategies to address these components, and pass laws that have a higher probability of being accepted and followed by the masses. This study will further assess socioeconomic and cultural reasons that result in variations to compliance by comparing the difference in behaviours and attitudes adopted towards social distancing in both the developed and the developing countries.