期刊名称:Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
出版社:PC Technology Center
摘要:This study has established the impact of a nano-Т?О2 P25 modifier and a nanocomposite based on titanium dioxide, doped with sulfur and carbon dioxide (Т?О2/S,C), on the photocatalytic, mechanical properties and the structural formation of cement mortars. The paper reports the results of the particle size distribution of the Portland composite cement and the Т?О2 nano additives; a comprehensive assessment of the particle size distribution has been performed both in terms of volume and specific surface. It has been proven that the Т?О2/S,C nanocomposite is characterized by the extremely high surface activity, which determines the photocatalytic properties of the surface of cement mortars. The comparison of the mechanical properties of cement mortars modified by titanium dioxide nano additives has been carried out.An experimental study has confirmed the improved photocatalytic properties of the cement mortar surface in the visible spectrum through the doping of the nano-sized titanium dioxide with carbon and sulfur. A combination of the Т?О2 nano additives and the superplasticizers of polycarboxylate type leads to the increased strength of the modified samples in proportion to a hardening age. Given the high surface activity of the Т?О2/S,C nanocomposite's particles, the cement paste hydration products deposit at their surface, thereby forming such conglomerates with them that seal the microstructure of the cement matrix. It has been shown that using a nanocomposite based on the modified titanium dioxide decreases the indicators of free energy while the surface of the cement mortar acquires hydrophobic properties, which contributes to the processes of self-cleaning. Thus, there is a reason to argue about the feasibility of using the Т?О2/S,C nanocomposite to improve the photocatalytic, self-cleaning, mechanical, and hydrophobic properties of cement mortars.
关键词:nanocomposite;titanium dioxide;cement mortar;photocatalysis;hydrophobicity;free energy