期刊名称:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
出版社:The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Incipient species are at an intermediate stage of speciation where reproductive isolation is counteracted by the homogenizing effects of gene flow. Human activity sometimes leads such species to reunite, as seen in the Orange Sulphur butterfly, which forms large hybridizing populations with the Clouded Sulphur in alfalfa fields. Here we show that sex chromosomes maintain these species as distinct, while the rest of their genome is admixed. Sex chromosomes notably determine which males display to females a bright, iridescent UV signal on their wings. Genetic mapping, antibody stainings, and CRISPR knockouts collectively indicate that the gene
bric a brac controls whether UV-iridescent nanostructures develop in each species, illustrating how a master switch gene modulates a male courtship signal.
Mating cues evolve rapidly and can contribute to species formation and maintenance. However, little is known about how sexual signals diverge and how this variation integrates with other barrier loci to shape the genomic landscape of reproductive isolation. Here, we elucidate the genetic basis of ultraviolet (UV) iridescence, a courtship signal that differentiates the males of
Colias eurytheme butterflies from a sister species, allowing females to avoid costly heterospecific matings. Anthropogenic range expansion of the two incipient species established a large zone of secondary contact across the eastern United States with strong signatures of genomic admixtures spanning all autosomes. In contrast, Z chromosomes are highly differentiated between the two species, supporting a disproportionate role of sex chromosomes in speciation known as the large-X (or large-Z) effect. Within this chromosome-wide reproductive barrier, linkage mapping indicates that
cis-regulatory variation of
bric a brac (
bab) underlies the male UV-iridescence polymorphism between the two species. Bab is expressed in all non-UV scales, and butterflies of either species or sex acquire widespread ectopic iridescence following its CRISPR knockout, demonstrating that Bab functions as a suppressor of UV-scale differentiation that potentiates mating cue divergence. These results highlight how a genetic switch can regulate a premating signal and integrate with other reproductive barriers during intermediate phases of speciation.