标题:Validation Approach of the Tectonic Lineament Extraction Enhancement Using Sentinel 2A Images and Modified 3 × 3 Bidirectional Prewitt Filters. Case Study: Grombalia, Tunisia
摘要:In this study, filters are used to extract directional tectonic lineaments and, thus, to reveal the presence of faults or fractures in the satellite images. The extraction process consists first in eliminating other different types of lineaments (e.g. the lithological limit, ridgelines, hydrographic network, roads, etc.). Besides, a comparative and quantitative approach is applied to show that when the directional Prewitt filter has a zero setting of the opposite of the assumed direction, as is the case of the N-S direction, the East-West direction is also set to zero. This research work, based on a bidirectional filter (N-S; E-W), shows satisfactory results especially concerning the quantitative fluctuation of lineament directions by interval. This fluctuation is in perfect agreement with the lineaments provided by the digitizing of the different tectonic accidents directions extracted in a GIS environment from the geological map of Grombalia. In this research work, a quantitative approach was used to evaluate the result of the lineament extraction methodology based on one direction analysis and by an interval of directions. Indeed, the N45 lineament direction, well documented in the geological study of the region, was more clearly distinguished by applying the Prewitt filter than by using the Sobel filter. The result was validated by comparison with the results obtained by the digitization of the tectonic accidents mapped on the geological map.