标题:A Study on the Effect of Soil and Sediment Types on the Fugacity Based Multimedia Partitioning of a Contact Fungicide Fluopyram: An Equilibrium Quality Criterion (EQC) Level 1 Approach
摘要:Equilibrium Quality Criterion (EQC) Level I calculations have been performed with Standard Equilibrium Quality Criterion (EQC) environment to study the environmental partitioning of a fungicide Fluopyram. Equilibrium Quality Criterion (EQC) Level I calculation assumes no degradation of the chemical, steady-state, and equilibrium conditions between the environmental compartments. The results reveal that the concentration of Fluopyram is expected to be maximum in the sediment compartment, followed by soil and water compartments. The effect of soil and sediment types on partitioning has been studied by systematically varying the densities of these two compartments. In the sediment compartment, the Fluopyram concentration is predicted to be highest if the sediment type is ‘sandy’ and the soil type is ‘clay’.