摘要:The macropores and rock fragments are the main factors responsible for the soil hydraulic prop-erties. However, the characteristics of the macropores and rock fragments that determine the water flow in forest stone soil remain unclear. Intact soil columns were taken from the forest soil of north-ern china, and all the intact soil columns were scanned using industrial computed tomography(CT)to quantify the 3-D characteristics of the macropores and rock fragments. The Ksat of three soil layers(0-10 cm, 10-20 cm,20-30 cm) were determined in all the samples. The results showed that the soil satu-rated hydraulic conductivity of mixed forest was higher than that of the pure forest; the saturated hy-draulic conductivity was significantly correlated with the surface area density, volume density of the rock fragment and mean tortuosity of the macropores in a negative way, but positively correlated with the number density, surface area density,volume density of the macropores. Macropores and rock fragments co-determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil; volume and surface area of the macropores and rock fragments have the greatestinfluence on the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil which determines the soil water infiltration capacity. The effect of soil macropores on the water infiltration is greater than that of the rock fragments. It is thus jus-tified to account for the influence of rock fragments and soil macropores on the hydraulic conductivity in related research.