摘要:The use of agricultural fertilizers can cause se-rious pollution of heavy metals in the soil. In addi-tion, it can also lead to unsafe factors such as heavy metal residues in the forage feedproduced, which af-fects the health oflivestock in the animal husbandry industry, and ultimately affects human health. Re-search on the accumulation of heavy metals in dif-ferent parts of forage under heavy metal pollution is very important to the safety and environmental pro-tection of forage feed. In order to solve this problem, in this paper, we systematically studied the accumu-lation characteristics of heavy metals in forages in soils with different concentrations of heavy metal cadmium, and proposed a calculation formula for the content of heavy metals in forages. Through experi-ments, the average concentration of metal cadmium accumulation in the whole forage in different exper-imental fields was obtained. The measurement re-sults found that the cumulative cadmium concentra-tion ofthe three forages in experimental field 1(soil cadmium concentration of 1.68 mg/kg)was lower than 1.0 mg/kg, which was a low concentration. The results of the accumulation of heavy metal cadmium in different parts of the stems and leaf roots of the three forage grasses showed that the cadmium con-centration in the stems and leaf roots of bonnet, sweet sorghum and hybrid elephant grass showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the increase of soil cadmium content. In addition, the cadmium concentration in the leaves of the forage grass is the least accumulated, followed by the roots and stems.A comprehensive comparison of the cad-mium accumulation of the three commonly used for-ages found that the cadmium accumulation concen-tration of the stems, leaves and roots of bonbon is far lower than that of sweet sorghum and hybrid ele-phant grass, so its safety index is the highest.
关键词:Heavy metal pollution;experimental field;bullvain;cad-mium concentration;heavy metal accumulation