摘要:Shallow groundwater is essential for irrigation in Huaibei Plain, China,as the area is one of the most important grain bases. Therefore, 22 shallow groundwater samples were collected in the area, and their major ion concentrations and suitability for ir-rigation were evaluated using various indices (so-dium adsorption ratio, Kelly's ratio, sodium percent, residual sodium carbonate, magnesium hazard, and permeability index). Moreover, Piper diagram, Gibbs diagram, ion ratio and principal component analysis(PCA)were applied in hydrochemical elu-cidation. The results indicated that the most of the water samples were unsuitable for irrigation because ofhigh Na+, Mg2+,and HCO3-contents. The major hydrochemical type ofshallow groundwater was Na-Mg-HCO3. The ion composition of groundwater was controlled by water-rock interaction, with dom-inantly controlled by silicate weathering and fol-lowed by carbonate dissolution. Na+ mainly weath-ered from the silicate weathering,and a few were de-rived from halite dissolution and ion exchange reac-tion. Mg2+ also mainly weathered from silicate weathering. HCO3- mainly originated from thereac-tion of dissolved CO2 in water with silicate.Accord-ing to the PCA results, the hydrochemistry of 2/3 samples were controlledby naturalprocesses and 1/3 of them have been influenced by human activities.