摘要:This study was aimed to correlatethe inflamma-tion parameters with peripheral neuropathic pain in patientsunderwent paclitaxel chemotherapy after di-agnosed with breast cancer. Histopathologically,patients who were diag-nosed with breast cancer and received adjuvant paclitaxel treatment in the medical oncology clinic fromMarch 2019 to January were included in the study. These patients had operated breast cancer and received weekly adjuvant paclitaxel treatment neu-ropathic pain questionnaire. A total of 64 patients were included in this study where 42(65.6%)of them had no neuropathy while 22(34.4)had neurop-athy. The general average age was 50.42(SD:10)where the oldest person was 73 years old while the youngest one was 29.No significant difference was found between the mean age of the patients with neu-ropathy and the mean age of the patients without it. There was also no statistical significancedifference in I, II measurements of NLR and TLR variables be-tween the groups with and without neutropathy. No relationship was found between docetaxel-induced neuropathy and neutrophil/lymphocyte pa-rameters in patients with neuropathic pain.