摘要:Exploration for petroleum in marine carbonate sequences is of great significance to energy security throughout the world. Based on the analysis of the database for oil and gas fields, this paper attempts to document the distribution patterns and geological features of giant marine carbonate fields. A total of 340 giant marine carbonate fields were discovered in 37 basins globally by the end of 2015. Recoverable oil and gas reserves in these giant fields amount to 1.524.8 billion barrel of oil equivaent(Bboe). Re-sults show that giant fields mainly occur in the Mid-dle East, the Former Soviet Union, North America and the Asia Pacific. The peak discovery of gas gi-ants occurred in the 1970s. Stratigraphically, the re-serves are concentrated in six intervals: Jurassic, Cretaceous. Permian. Triassic, Neogene and Paleo-gene. The petroleum reserves are largely reservoired in three intervals of burial depths:2,500-3,000 m (hosting 28.0%of the total),1,500-2,000m(18.0%), and 2,000-2,500 m(16.4%). Structural traps are the main trap types for the giant marine carbonate fields, but the proportion of non-structural traps has in-creased for the newly discovered giants. Giants ma-rine carbonate fields mainly locate in the vicinity of the hydrocarbon source kitchen and location. Obvi-ously, as the migration distance increases, reserve sizes of giants show a downward trend. For marine hydrocarbon exploration in the future, it is suggested that the studies of hydrocarbon accumulation mech-anism and controlling factors in deep marine car-bonate strata should be strengthened.
关键词:Marine carbonate;giant field;oil and gas distribution;ac-cumulation pattern;energy security