摘要:In this paper, we took 60 long-distance runners from a sports college in a certain region of China as experimental subiects. and conducted a systematic study on the effect of fine particulate pollution on the cardiopulmonary function of long-distance runners under different training loads. The 60 long-distancerunners were divided into 3 groups, namely the high- load training group, the medium-load training groupand the low-load training group. The portable aero- sol monitor was used to monitor the PM2.5 mass concentration value during the experiment, and the FHL-II spirometer and the German CORTEX cardi- opulmonary function test system were used to testthe cardiopulmonary function indexes of the threegroups of long-distance runners. Experiments have proved that under high-concentration PM2.5 expo- sure environment, the cardiopulmonary function in- dexes of VC, FVC, PEP/LVET and SV/DT in the high-load training group were significantly lower than those in the medium-load training group and low-load training group (P<0.05). Athletes in the high-load training group will experience weakening of small airway function and a significant decrease in myocardial contractility. Under the medium con- centration PM2.5 exposure environment, the PEFand FEF50 of the high and medium load training group were significantly lower than those of the low load training group (P<0.05, P<0.01). Under the low concentration PM2.5 exposure environment, there was no significant difference in the lung function in- dexes of the three groups of athletes (P>0.05). In summary, the higher the concentration of fine partic- ulate matter and the greater the training load, the greater the impact on the cardiopulmonary function of long-distance runners.