摘要:This study carried out to determine certain bio- logical properties of the ladybird beetle. Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Cankiri, Turkey between 2016 and 2017. The results showed that 68.75% of the adults that were collected from the field were already parasitized and the para- sitization decreased gradually. The length and width of adults were 6.90 and 5.45 mm for females and6.41 and 4.94 mm for males. Adult longevity was 14.95 days and 16.86 days for females and males. and the daily aphid consumptions of the adults were 73.38 and 69.52 aphids/day for females and males respectively. Females consumed more aphids than males. Preoviposition, oviposition, and postoviposi- tion periods were 7.05, 5.85, and 4.00 days respec- tively. The average of the laid eggs was 18.68 eggs. Egg length and width were 1.25 and 0.55 mm. The incubation period of the eggs was 2.85 days. Larval periods of C. septempunctata were 2.93, 2.61, 2.73. and 2.63 days respectively and there was not any dif- ference among larval periods. The aphid consump- tion of larval instars increased in the later instars. Prepupal and pupal periods were 1.30 and 5.04 days and the development period until adult emergence was 17.25 days. These results show that C. sep- tempunctata is an effective predator against aphids and it should be considered to be utilized in biologi- cal control programs. However, the effectiveness of C. septempunctata is affected by the aphid species consumed as food.