摘要:This paper analyzes the impact of rural tourism on the sustainable livelihood of farmers in Chang- shan Village in Yimeng Mountain Area using the sustainable livelihood analysis frameworks (SLA). It has been found that the total asset value oflivelihood capital in farmer households has increased, with hu- man capital seeing no obvious change, natural capi- tal decreasing, financial capital and social capital in- creasing slightly, and physical capital increasing sig- nificantly. All of this indicates that tourism has a sig- nificant impact on the livelihood capital of farmer households. With the development of rural tourism. the livelihood strategy of farmer households --based on agricultural production and migrated-work --has changed to a "tourism +"multiple business model comprising a variety of livelihood modes. These in- clude tourism-oriented, tourism-oriented part-time migrated-work-oriented, and mixed part-time Moreover, the variety of livelihoods has increased, and the flexibility of farmers' choices has increased. With the government and businesses leading the de- velopment of rural tourism in Changshan Village, changes in the livelihoods of farmer households are based on land resources, labor, and other livelihood capital. These changes are the result of active adjust- ment toward economic and social benefits.