摘要:In the process of urbanization development, there is a close relationship between urbanization ef-ficiency and green growth. Active urbanization effi-ciency is conducive to greatly improving green growth. However, as a new economic carrier, how can cities improve in the process of development?For green growth, how to weigh the relationship be-tween the two isvery important. Based on theoretical analysis, this article explores the relationship be-tween green growth and urbanization efficiency, and introduces a coupled development model and sus-tainable development model. The results of the study show that from 2008 to 2018, the rankings ofthe ur-banization efficiency of each province show certain regional characteristics;the urbanization efficiency has both increased and decreased, and the low level ofindustrial structure is the main reason that restricts the urbanization efficiency of non-eastern regions;Northwest China. The reason for the low efficiency of regional urbanization is the inefficient use of the two input indicators of urban fixed asset investment and urban employment;excessive local government intervention in the economy and the increase in the growth rate of fixed asset investment in the whole society are not conducive to the efficiency of urban-ization. The improvement of industrial structure level is not conducive to the increase of economic growth rate, while the improvement of urbanization efficiency will significantly promote economic green growth.
关键词:Green growth;Urbanization efficiency;Relationship;Eco-nomic development