摘要:Megabruchidius tonkineus (Pic 1904) (Coleop- tera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae) is a weevil infect- ing seeds of honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos L (Fabaceae), an ornamental woody legume widely spread in parks, other urban areas, hedges, as well as protective belts throughout Serbia. Being a predator of honey locust seeds, this Bruchinae significantly reduces the plant's generative ability. To date, refer- ence sources have noted M. tonkineus only as a seed predator on honey locust. Our research has for the first time established its new plant host -Kentucky coffeetree Gimnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch (Faba-ceae), a woody ornamental species quite popular in Serbia. Biology of M. tonkineus was followed through three vegetation seasons, from 2012 to 2014 Plant material (pods) was collected from a single lo-cality, but from three different individuals. Imagoes were identified through keys and by comparison with morphological features ofpopulations in France, Hungary and Bulgaria. The established seed predator accumulation in honey locust seed was 47%, which the recorded infestation of Kentucky coffeetree seed was up to 4.5%. Further research of Bruchinae as seed predators necessitates additional observations due to their potential role in biological fight against the introduced and invasive woody species.