摘要:The present experiments were designed to study the changes of nitrogen metabolism in Luffa cylindrical roots under nickel stress. Our results indi- cated that the fresh weight of roots decreased gradu-ally with the increasing nickel concentrations up to, and at 100 μM it is only 44.2 % of that of the control. The contents of ammonium and nitrite increased gradually up to 75 M compared to the control. However, nitrate contents showed gradually de- crease with the increasing nickel concentrations, and the minimum content was 49.4 % of that of the con-trol. Nitrate reductase (NRase) activity showed an increase up to 50 μM nickel concentration and de- creased gradually, while nitrite reductase (NiRase) activity decreased gradually at all tested nickel con- centrations. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and gluta-mate synthase (GOGAT) activity increased signifi- cantly with increasing nickel concentrations up to 100 μM, and the values were higher than that of thecontrol at all tested nickel concentrations. Nickel treatment may significantly induce NADH-GDH and NAD-GDH activity, and the maximum values were 171 % and 184.5% of that of the control, re-spectively. Alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT) were higher than those in the control except for at 100 μM. and aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) activity were significant induced at all tested nickel concen-trations. Our findings showed that the changes of ni- trogen and nitrogen-related enzymes may be in- volved in regulating the growth and metabolism of Luffa cylindrical.