摘要:The study combines the pattern fragility and functional fragility of green ecological gardens, es-tablishes a fragility model, studies the evolution characteristics of the fragility of green ecological gardens, based on space constraints, analyzes the fra-gility model using spatial auto-correlation analysis, and obtains its evolution characteristics; By con-structing an obstacle degree model, the main factors affecting the vulnerability of green ecological gar-dens are obtained.The results show that the vulnera-bility index of green ecological garden decreased by 5%from 2010 to 2018.The three levels of general, medium and severe vulnerability in the region are mainly concentrated in the north and south, while the two levels of hidden and light vulnerability are mainly concentrated in the middle, with no signifi-cant change in the proportion of vulnerable areas at the lower level and a significant increase in the pro-portion of vulnerable areas at the highest level; the main influencing factors of the vulnerability of green ecological gardens include gas, climate, hydrology and purified environment; The improvement of the principle of integration through the principles of sus-tainable development, the use of resources and in-dustrial structure, the enhancement of human initia-tive and the improvement of the vulnerability of green ecological gardens could be achieved.