摘要:AbstractThe seismic performance of reinforced concrete (RC) structures are highly influence by the cyclic performance of the beam-column joints. The experimental seismic assessment of RC beam-column joints has been made essentially by cyclic tests performed on set-ups that do not totally simulate the real seismic loading and constrains conditions. A complex monitoring scheme is used to record the applied loads, reactions, joint distortion, strains on the reinforcement, lateral and axial displacements on the entire specimen, rotations and surface strains by using digital image correlation (DIC). The use of DIC is particularly important to record the strains on CFRP used to wrap the columns and beams. Based on the data recorded during the tests, it is possible compute moments; rotations and curvatures of the columns and beams; joint shear; dissipated energy by beams, columns and joint; yield displacement; ductility; peak-to-peak stiffness degradation; post-peak softening; and inter-cycle strength degradation. The innovative experimental set-up herein presented has the following advantages compared with others:•Lateral loading applied on the top of the superior column and not on the beams•Real scale specimens and the possibility of have transversal beams and slab•Dead loads on the beams and columns with two different axial loadsGraphical abstractDisplay Omitted