To investigate depression and anxiety in patients with glaucoma or glaucoma suspect.
MethodsSeventy-two patients with glaucoma, 72 patients with glaucoma suspect and 26 controls comprised the study population. Anxiety and depression was evaluated by hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) questionnaire. In this study, scores higher than 10 on the HADS-A and HADS-D were defined as anxiety and depression, respectively. The relationship between HADS and mean deviation (MD) of visual field tests or visual acuity of the better eye was analyzed in glaucoma patients.
ResultsThree (11.5%) controls, 11 (15.3%) patients with glaucoma suspect, and 15 (20.8%) patients with glaucoma had anxiety. One (3.8%) control, 5 (6.9%) patients with glaucoma suspect, and 15 (20.8%) patients with glaucoma had depression. In glaucoma patients, the number of anxiety patients was higher in patients who had MD of less than -6 dB and the numbers of anxiety and depression patients were higher in patients who had visual acuity of lower than 20/40.
ConclusionsThe rate of depression in patients with glaucoma is higher than that of glaucoma suspect and controls. There is no significant difference between the three groups in rate of anxiety. Clinicians are advised to not only offer medical treatment but also should monitor for mood disturbances like anxiety and depression to ensure compliance and quality of life of patients.