摘要:Efficient protocols for callus induction and micro propagation of
Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch were developed and phytochemical diversity of wild and in-vitro propagated material was investigated. Brown and red compact callus was formed with frequency of 80–95%, 78–90%, 70–95% and 65–80% from seeds, leaf, petiole and root explants, respectively. MS media supplemented with BAP (2.0 mgL
−1), NAA (1.0 mgL
−1) and GA3 (0.25 mgL
−1) best suited for multiple shoot buds initiation (82%), while maximum shoot length was formed on media with BAP (1.5 mgL
−1), NAA (0.25 mgL
−1) and Kinetin (0.5 mgL
−1). Full strength media with IAA (0.5 mgL
−1) along with IBA (0.5 mgL
−1) resulted in early roots initiation. Similarly, maximum rooting (87.57%) and lateral roots formation (up to 6.76) was recorded on full strength media supplemented with BAP (0.5 mgL
−1), IAA (0.5 mgL
−1) and IBA (0.5 mgL
−1). Survival rate of acclimatized plantlets in autoclaved garden soil, farmyard soil, and sand (2:1:1) was 87%. Phytochemical analysis revealed variations in biochemical contents i.e. maximum sugar (808.32 µM/ml), proline (48.14 mg/g), ascorbic acid (373.801 mM/g) and phenolic compounds (642.72 mgL
−1) were recorded from callus cultured on different stress media. Nonetheless, highest flavenoids (59.892 mg/g) and anthocyanin contents (32.39 mg/kg) were observed in in-vitro propagated plants. GC–MS analysis of the callus ethyl acetate extracts revealed 24 different phytochemicals. The variability in secondary metabolites of both wild and propagated plants/callus is reported for the first time for this species. This study may provide a baseline for the conservation and sustainable utilization of
S. costus with implications for isolation of unique and pharmacologically active compounds from callus or regenerated plantlets.