To analyze the changes of higher order aberration (HOA) measured serially by KR-1W® wavefront at every second for 10 seconds between, before, and after phacoemulsification and to evaluate the relationships between HOA and the ocular surface indicators (Schirmer test, tear break-up time, superficial punctate keratitis).
MethodsCorneal HOA was measured in 47 eyes of 30 patients pre- and postoperatively at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks by KR-1W® using the continuous measurement mode. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to their Schirmer test (above 10 mm or under 10 mm), tear break-up time (above 5 seconds or less than 5 seconds), and superficial punctate keratitis (any keratitis, none) for analysis of relationships between HOA and ocular surface indicators, and we also analyzed the correlation coefficient.
ResultsShort-term follow up after phacoemulsification revealed that corneal HOA rapidly increased at 2 weeks and recovered to the preoperative level 8 weeks after surgery. Corneal HOA values showed increasing tendency depending on time at preop and 8 weeks after phacoemulsification, and the differences were statistically significant (preop: p < 0.001, 8 weeks: p = 0.027). There were no significant differences of HOA between the 2 groups divided according to their ocular surface indicators, and there were no significant correlations between HOA and ocular surface indicators at any time point.
ConclusionsThe HOA of the cornea was restored to its preoperative values at 8 weeks after surgery. Preoperative ocular surface indicators are not significantly influenced on postoperative corneal HOA. The surgical factors are more significant in postoperative corneal HOA than preoperative ocular surface indicators.