摘要:Teixeira JAA, Ferraz EJ, Teixeira KKL, Assi RSC, Lino ADS,Figueira TG. Validation of the Subjective Perception of ExertionScales with an Interval Training Protocol. JEPonline 2020;23(6):53-61. The perception of exertion (PE) scales is directly related toexercise intensity. It is considered a subjective evaluation tool toreport discomfort and fatigue during exercise. The purpose of thepresent study was to quantify the subjects’ responses of internalload of a high intensity interval protocol through the PE scales(BORG, OMNI, and PNP) and correlate them. Twenty subjectsparticipated in the study (10 men and 10 women). The protocol’smovements were based on callisthenic exercises. The HIIT (HighIntensity Tactical Training) – Move Strong method from the Personalin Practice System was used, with a 1:1 scale (Work/Rest). A highpositive correlation was found for the men and for the womenbetween the subjective PE scales (BORG, OMNI, and PNP). Thefindings indicate that it is possible to prescribe and measure theexertion during exercise by the BORG (6 to 20), OMNI (2 to 10), andPNP (1 to 6) scales with the HIIT method, since there was a highpositive correlation among them.
关键词:HIIT;Perception of Exertion;Performance;Workload