摘要:Although man has used nature as a tool and platform for development for many years, unbridled development after the Industrial Revolution has left such devastating effects on the planet that not only the developing countries’ choice of the same methods for development due to declining capacity Natural resources are impossible, but in today’s conditions, they seem selfish. Hence, “sustainable development” has been offered as a solution for decades. On the other hand, environmental law is an important tool for monitoring and managing sustainable development. These rights are effective in determining environmental protection policies and the rational and sustainable use of natural resources. The Stockholm Declarations of 1972, Rio 1992, Johannesburg 2002, and Rio +20 called for the pursuit of sustainable development to protect the environment and called for the orientation of international environmental law towards the concept of sustainable development. But in practice, it is observed that sustainable development faces global challenges, one of the most important of which is the confrontation between development and the environment in developed and developing countries. This article aims to examine the achievement of sustainable development by addressing the binding and nonbinding documents in international environmental law.
关键词:Environment; Sustainable Development; International Environmental Law; Sustainability; Climate Change