摘要:AbstractThere are naturally occuring Differential Algebraic Equation (DAE) systems decribed by higher index DAEs. Dynamic simulation of higher index DAEs is typically carried out after reducing differentiation index to one (Index-1 DAE) or zero (explicit ODE), that results into drift-off errors and hidden constraints. State Estimation in DAE systems is relativley recent development (Beccera et al. (2001) and Mandela et al. (2010) ) which is limited to Index-1 DAE systems. In this work, Extended Kalman Filtering (EKF) is developed for Index-2 DAE systems and implemented on reactor-separator-recycle system. The efficacy of the proposed Index- 2 DAE-EKF is evaluated using simulation studies.
关键词:KeywordsExtended Kalman Filter (EKF)Differential - Algebraic Equation Systems (DAEs)Index of DAENonlinear State Estimation