出版社:Kilis 7 Aralık University Economics and Administrative Sciences
摘要:Purpose: In this research, the effect of managers' “conflict management approaches” on “leader-follower interaction” is examined in the first stage. In addition, the moderator role of “role ambiguity” and “workload” in this relationship are investigated.Design/Methodology: A field study has been conducted in the IT sector. A total of 400 people were sent online questionnaires using the convenience sampling method. A total of 236 responses were received and 212 questionnaires were found suitable for analysis. After the reliability and validity analyse of the obtained data, the developed theoretical model and hypotheses were tested with hierarchical regression analysis.Findings: The integrative conflict management approaches of managers have positive and meaningful effects on leader-follower exchange. Role ambiguity and workload do not have a moderator role in these relationships. On the other hand, the competitive approach, which is one of the distributive conflict management approaches, negatively affects the leader-follower exchange, while the withdraw approach positively and significantly. In these relationships, role ambiguity and workload have a moderator role.Limitations: The sample consists only of IT sector employees who continue their business life in Istanbul.Originality/Value: Although the relationships between conflict management styles and LMX have been investigated in many studies, it seems that role ambiguity and the moderator role of workload have not been studied much. This constitutes the original aspect of this research.