摘要:Beta diversity represents how species in the regional pool segregate among local communities and hence forms a link between local and regional species diversities. Therefore, the magnitude of beta diversity and its variation across geographic gradients can provide insights into mechanisms of community assembly. Along with limits on local or regional level diversities, effects of local abundance that lead to under-sampling of the regional species pool are important determinants of estimated beta diversity. We explore the effects of regional species pools, abundance distributions, and local abundance to show that patterns in beta diversity as well as the mean of species abundance distribution have distinct outcomes, depending on limits on species pools and under-sampling. We highlight the effect of under-sampling in some established relationships between gamma diversity and beta diversity using graphical methods. We then use empirical data on ant communities across an elevational gradient in the Eastern Himalayas to demonstrate a shift from effect of reduction in species pool to under-sampling at mid-elevations. Our results show that multiple processes with contrasting effects simultaneously affect patterns in beta diversity across geographic gradients.