摘要:More than 900 variants have been described in the
GLA gene. Some intronic variants and copy number variants in
GLA can cause Fabry disease but will not be detected by classical Sanger sequence. We aimed to design and validate a method for sequencing the
GLA gene using long-read Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology. Twelve Fabry patients were blindly analyzed, both by conventional Sanger sequence and by long-read sequencing of a 13 kb PCR amplicon. We used minimap2 to align the long-read data and Nanopolish and Sniffles to call variants. All the variants detected by Sanger (including a deep intronic variant) were also detected by long-read sequencing. One patient had a deletion that was not detected by Sanger sequencing but was detected by the new technology. Our long-read sequencing-based method was able to detect missense variants and an exonic deletion, with the added advantage of intronic analysis. It can be used as an efficient and cost-effective tool for screening and diagnosing Fabry disease.