摘要:Sweet taste perception is mediated by a heterodimeric receptor formed by the assembly of the TAS1R2 and TAS1R3 subunits. TAS1R2 and TAS1R3 are class C G-protein-coupled receptors whose members share a common topology, including a large extracellular N-terminal domain (NTD) linked to a seven transmembrane domain (TMD) by a cysteine-rich domain. TAS1R2-NTD contains the primary binding site for sweet compounds, including natural sugars and high-potency sweeteners, whereas the TAS1R2-TMD has been shown to bind a limited number of sweet tasting compounds. To understand the molecular mechanisms governing receptor–ligand interactions, we overexpressed the human TAS1R2 (hTAS1R2) in a stable tetracycline-inducible HEK293S cell line and purified the detergent-solubilized receptor. Circular dichroism spectroscopic studies revealed that hTAS1R2 was properly folded with evidence of secondary structures. Using size exclusion chromatography coupled to light scattering, we found that the hTAS1R2 subunit is a dimer. Ligand binding properties were quantified by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. Due to technical limitations, natural sugars have not been tested. However, we showed that hTAS1R2 is capable of binding high potency sweeteners with
d values that are in agreement with physiological detection. This study offers a new experimental strategy to identify new sweeteners or taste modulators that act on the hTAS1R2 and is a prerequisite for structural query and biophysical studies.