摘要:AbstractComplex manufacturing and supply chain systems consist of concurrent labour-intensive processes and procedures with repetitive time-consuming tasks and multiple quality checks. These features may pose challenges for the efficient operation and management, while manual tasks may significantly increase human errors or near misses, having impact on the propagation of effects and parallel interactions within these systems. In order to handle the aforementioned challenges, a digital twin (DT) integrated in a multi-agent cyber-physical manufacturing system (CPMS) with the help of RFID technology is proposed. The proposed reference architecture tends to improve the trackability and traceability of complex manufacturing processes. In this research work, the interactions occurring both within a single complex manufacturing system and between multiple sites within a supply chain are considered. For the implementation of the integrated DT-CPMS, a simulation model employing the agent-based modelling technique is developed. A case study from a cryogenic supply chain in the UK is also selected to show the application and validity of the proposed digital solution. The results prove that the DT-CPMS architecture can improve system’s performance in terms of human, equipment and space utilisations.