摘要:In this study, konjac glucomannan, κ‐carrageenan, and tannic acid were selected to study the effects of different combinations on the in vitro digestibility and physicochemical properties of wheat starch. Results showed that the addition of konjac glucomannan, κ‐carrageenan, and tannic acid could decrease the digestion of starch and increase the content of resistant starch. Besides, the two polysaccharides weakened the extent of tannic acid on starch digestion. Moreover, although the two polysaccharides had different effects on the in vitro digestion of starch, they had no significant increase in the content of resistant starch. DSC and XRD results demonstrated that the polysaccharides and tannic acid showed synergistic effects on the rebuilding of starch microstructure. FTIR results further manifested that κ‐carrageenan and konjac glucomannan could significantly increase the strength of hydrogen bonds in starch. At the same time, the addition of tannic acid would weaken the molecular interaction between polysaccharides and starch. SEM and CLSM results showed that tannic acid added to the polysaccharide–starch mixture not only interacted with starch but also influenced the structure of polysaccharide gel.