出版社:Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
摘要:This article presents theoretical and methodological basis for studying the phenomena of emotional intelligence and emotional maturity in foreign and Russian psychology including the status of research done by prison psychologists. The article also provides data of our research on determination and psychodynamics of emotional intelligence, as well as transformation of other personality characteristics in 220 female convicts at various stages of serving their sentence in penal correction colonies in five regions of Russia. The findings of the psychodiagnostics indicate insufficient levels of emotional intelligence and reveals the prison-specific subcultural manifestation of its components in the examined inmates, who at the same time possess underdeveloped compensatory personality resources. Cluster analysis made it possible to isolate the predominant types of convicted women: "emotionally impulsive" and "emotionally rigid" whose contrasting psychological characteristics must be taken into account when developing individual correctional and group-related correctional and developmental programs. In order to improve female convicts' emotional maturity, a series of measures of legal-institutional and correction- and development-related character has been substantiated.